
大台面 Hall is coed by suite and houses 288 residents. The suites have a mixture of single, super single and double bedrooms. Each suite has at least two bathrooms with separate counter and 水槽 设施. The suite is furnished with “bunkable” beds and movable furniture. Each bedroom has extra-long twin size bed(s), 桌子上, 梳妆台, closet with two drawers and enough space to hang your clothes. The living areas in each suite will have great, comfortable seating and a 32” flat screen wall mounted TV.

The first floor of 大台面 houses first-year students, with continuing students on the second, third and a portion of the fourth floor. 大台面 Hall is home to the Performing Arts themed community.

The fourth floor of B wing is designated as a study-intensive floor. Study-intensive communities bring together students who share a commitment to establish and maintain an atmosphere conducive to academic excellence. Residents agree to the terms of this lifestyle by signing a special contract. The purpose of this floor is to bring a commitment to establish and maintain an atmosphere conducive to academic excellence.

Within 大台面 Hall we offer large community spaces, 会议室, computer lab and a CMU standard, 免费洗衣. Our front 桌子上 is available in case you have any questions or need to pick up a package. You can also check out games, vacuums and cleaning supplies.


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View 3-D Room Layout for 大台面 Hall

(This is a representation of a suite in 大台面 Hall. 房间确实各不相同.)

Floor Plans for 大台面 Hall

 查看我们的 Facebook Video Tour of 大台面 Hall.


在里面转一圈. Use your mouse to rotate the panorama views inside the residence hall. Zoom in and out, or make it full screen for a better view.

大台面 Hall Double Room

大台面 Hall Single Room

大台面 Hall Living Room